The Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon in the body, and we put it to work every day, with every step. Whether you are a seasoned athlete, or someone who doesn’t consider athletics as a hobby, achilles tendon conditions can still impact you and your daily life.

To prevent an Achilles tendon injury, it is important to stretch regularly as well as before and after exercise. We recommend dynamic stretching before you begin exercising and static stretching after exercise. Lack of stretching can lead to a tight Achilles tendon, which will be less flexible when you need it to be, such as when running, walking up and down stairs, hiking, and playing sports. When the Achilles tendon is less willing to be flexible, injuries can occur.

To treat an Achilles tendon injury, it is important to start with Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation and to avoid using the tendon until seeking professional care. If you are experiencing pain, decreased function, swelling and redness to the area, this requires urgent treatment to avoid chronic side effects from the tendon injury.

When seeing a podiatrist, we will first treat the inflammation and injury first by decreasing the inflammation and mobilization. Secondly, we will work with you and other providers to improve the health of your tendon and return you back to your regular activity level with the right tools to manage your diagnosis.

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