If you have been diagnosed with diabetes or you believe you have some signs of diabetes, it is important to discuss with your primary care provider about creating a team of specialists to help you prevent and treat some of the common side effects of Diabetes. Specialists such as podiatrists can determine your risk for having further foot problems in the future caused by Diabetes. We can provide education, tools, and preventative care to keep your feet healthy and protected.

If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes, we recommend you to follow up with your primary care doctor at a minimum of every 3-6 months, an endocrinologist, nutritionist, eye doctor, and a podiatrist at minimum every 6-12 months. We recognize that all patients are unique and these recommendations won’t apply to all.
Diabetes can impact many organs in the body if not managed closely. Below is a list of services that we offer as preventative care:

  • Lower extremity diabetic skin & nail checks
  • Gait analysis
  • Shoe analysis
  • Lower extremity musculoskeletal examination
  • Lower extremity noninvasive vascular checks
  • Lower extremity noninvasive nerve tests

Get a personal consultation.