Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common reasons for heel pain. It is caused by inflammation of a ligament that starts in the heel and travels along the bottom of the foot. The pain often presents when standing after being seated, or in the morning after sleeping. However, the pain can also present after overuse when traveling or if your job requires several hours of standing. Wearing incorrect shoes or having a certain foot type can make you more susceptible to this condition.

Plantar fasciitis can be prevented by performing frequent stretching exercises to the Achilles tendon, which attaches to the other side of the heel bone. Strengthening the muscles on the bottom of your foot is also helpful, as well as wearing appropriate shoes for your foot type. If you are unsure of what your foot type is, your podiatrist can evaluate this for you.

Podiatrists offer many options and services to treat plantar fasciitis, including anti-inflammatory medications, stretching and strengthening exercises, physical therapy referrals, braces and orthotics, as well as shoe recommendations. For chronic plantar fasciitis, shock wave therapy or minimally invasive surgery may also be recommended.

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